Mike Strassman's Climbing Legacy

Here you'll find a collection of Mike's climbing routes, lifetime achievements, Film titles, Magazine articles, books, and links.

Mike on Cathedral Peak

Remembering Michael Strassman 1959-2007

Read the obituary written by climber and long time friend, Doug Robinson.


Posted Under: Mike's Poems & Writings
"Here is a poem Mike wrote about my dog, Jenna, who lived with us in Tucson: She did not care when cold snows touched her feet. She ran ahead rejoicing in the wild. We kissed as clouds breathed moist upon our hair, I shivering, her unknowing of danger. Only a half hour between work. She greets me as if I were the woods. I have not the time, she eats my leftovers. We keep her like furniture. She sleeps in us when she needs comfort, we put her out when she loves us the most. And should she make a mistake, a wag of a tail across the street, sliding on dry pavement, she'd be the only one who wouldn't cry her eyes out."

-Sister Judy
Sandpoint, ID